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Leadership Strategies – 3 Ways to Maximize Leadership Potential

CEOs and managers can maximize their leadership potential by breaking three common myths. Few leadership strategies are as important as uncovering the potential within the organization to maximize the leadership potential of the executive leadership. Break these following myths and leadership skills within any organization will increase.

Are you a real student of leadership? How effective is your leadership? The answer boils down to breaking three main myths to increase leadership ability.

Myth 1 – Many believe falsely that ability alone is enough for leadership. This myth causes some to not fully develop their potential. Practice is key in strengthening talent in arts, music and sports, so why not in leadership? Most artists develop their talent by taking art lessons in drawing, sketching or painting. The musician learns how to play beginner levels of music before he/she can play advanced. The athlete practices for hours before he/she runs in the Olympics. Therefore, a leader must practice his/her leadership to advance to the next level.

Myth 2 – Smart people are leaders. If only smart people were leaders then how come many lead without any formal education? Now, this point is controversial because of how leadership is defined if defined only by having a degree. In the political arena of leadership most leaders hold degrees. For example, Past President George W. Bush had an MBA from Harvard Business School, Cheney a M.A. in political science, Colin Powell a Bachelor’s degree in geology, etc. Therefore, this provides strong evidence that leaders are educated, so that leadership is the mastery of smart people. However, in the celebrity arena many are leaders without the same level of education. For example, Barbara Streisand only completed high school, Cher dropped out in 9th grade and Julia Roberts only completed high school. Yet, each of these celebrities led others.

The controversy comes from the idea that a degree is equivalent to being smart. Does not experience also account for an increased emotional awareness? Obviously, the answer is yes because leadership is a combination of many factors. The underlying point from the contrast of political leadership and that of celebrities is what one does with his/her smartness. Both the political and the celebrities had to break myth 3 for successful leadership.

Myth 3 – Leadership is handed out and comes naturally. Some people will point to those who inherit money, position and power and state that they were natural-born leaders. Yes, these were born into a position of leadership but that does not necessarily mean that they had the attributes to lead. Each had mentors, intelligence-gatherers and fact-finders to discern their landscape to position or leverage themselves and their followers.

A real student of leadership will accept three keys to advance their leadership potential from these broken myths.

Key 1 – Leadership qualities need to be strengthened with practice. This requires dedication. The leader must lead, must have conviction that his/her way is right. Others can question, become disillusioned, reject the leadership but the leader remains steadfast and knows the way.

Key 2 – Leadership is maximized with information gathering, fact finding and thorough understanding. Persuasive arguments are won with facts. A leader knows how to convince others without threats or violence but with the arm of truth.

Key 3 – Leadership potential can be built. To desire to lead is to desire a desirable end. Leadership is respected. Leadership is applauded. Leadership is required to help others. Leadership is required to make this a better world. Leadership is required to provide hope. Leaders must want their role. Leaders must live their role.

Corporate executives gain when they learn new strategies and techniques because new information provides additional insights which helps make stronger decisions. When leaders learn new leadership skills to strengthen their executive leadership they gain a strong competitive advantage because these new skills help them be better communicators. Leadership skills helps them build on their potential and develop techniques to add to their talent pool.

Loreen Sherman is an expert on organizational leadership development. Get your Modular Skills Package at [http://www.star-tingpublishing.com]. Invite Loreen to speak on leadership development today.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Loreen_M_Sherman/1120880