Development of Ayurveda

According to the Indian mythology, the origin of Ayurveda has a link with Brahma, the God of Creation. If the mythologies are to be believed, the Hindu myths say that Brahma wanted to erase the suffering of human by offering knowledge of Ayurveda to other Gods. In order to do so he passed on this knowledge to Dhanvantari – father of Ayurveda.

He then transmitted the knowledge to the mortal sages so that they could heal their sufferings. It is because of all these myths associated with Ayurveda, that it is considered as a divine science of revelation and thus values personal insight as much as empirical observation.

As far as the development of Ayurveda is concerned, it is believed that the birth of Indian medicine can be tracked back to the days of the famous Indus – Valley civilization of 2700-1500B.C. We note that mythico – religious hymns related to the civilization written in Sanskrit are mentioned in holy books, the Vedas.

There are four Vedas, and out of these four Vedas, Arthavaveda; the youngest one provides us with the knowledge of medical practices of Ayurveda. The Golden Age of Ayurveda was from 800 – 1000B.C. This period is marked as the evolution of medical science in India.

Ayurveda flourished significantly during the times of Buddha (520B.C.). Many unique formulas such as mixing mercury, sulphur and different metals with beneficial herbs in medical composition were invented by the Ayurveda practitioners during this period.

Nagarjuna, the Buddhist herbologist was the greatest exponent of medical science during that period. Ayurveda practitioners such as Nagbodhi, Yashodhana, Govinda, and Vagbhatta worked along with him during that period. The tradition of Ayurveda went on from centuries to centuries and was passed on from one generation to another.

The Ayurvedic process of treatment has gained popularity in the west too. Even people in the west have started practicing the tradition of Ayurveda to heal and enhance the longevity of the healed.

After the independence of India in 1947, Ayurveda was recognized as an official form of medicine along with allopathic, homeopathy, naturopathy, unani, tibb, siddha and yoga therapy.

Now we have Ayurvedic Universities in Jamnagar, Gujrat, and Bhubaneswar which conduct research and higher education in Ayurveda. There are many doctors practicing Ayurveda and using the Ayurvedic method of treatment through medicines.

The Ayurvedic medicines and its method of treatment are even considered to be safe as they do not have any side-effects on human body.

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