There is no argument that acquiring life insurance marketing techniques that improve your sales growth is a strategy of attaining success. At first it is hard to determine if the advice of an insurance sales marketing advisor or sales coach would be more beneficial. Looking at this report clarifies the advantages or disadvantages of each ones’ skilled techniques.
Both a sales marketing advisor and sales coach are experts at providing advice, tip, tricks, hints, and demonstrations to advancing quicker to achieving your goals. They are both honest about providing constructive criticism over methods insurance marketers, brokerage sales directors, and recruiters may currently be using. After having a ten to fifteen minute conversation with any marketer, I never encountered a conqueror implementing all the correct techniques. Extra wisdom with outside insight would be beneficial virtually every life insurance marketing firm.
The marketing strategies refer to a mastery of prospecting of a wide spectrum of talents. These include prospecting methods for acquiring new insurance brokers, increasing quality of lead response, converting interested brokers to signing a contract, and the prized result of ending up with producers consistent in writing valuable premium cases. Oh, add in improving performance procedures of providing unique broker service. This would not only include new brokers but also maximizing and improving sales from the existing broker force.
Start with the values of an insurance sales coach. Like a pro sports player often has a personal trainer, so will a marketing firm, insurance agency, or even an independent broker or general agent. The sales coach is very flexible as training can be one on one or to a group. Here we are not talking about a rah-rah motivational speaker who only has home office experience or no insurance knowledge whatsoever. The coach is a not only a guide, but a trainer, teacher, instructor, and tutor all in one. Expect to pay an hourly rate for individual services rendered. However if the coach is training your entire marketing staff, or group of brokers, a flat more economical fee can be determined. Do not forget one of the coach’s strongest abilities. That is as a speaker when you are giving a sales seminar. This is an excellent method of upping attendance, and strengthening recruiting.
Contacting an insurance sales marketing advisor, provides a different set of values. The advisor is viewed more as a mentor providing expert advice and suggestions. This is strictly one on one with clients that include the insurance company recruiting director, a brokerage managing general agent or independent marketing organization. There is usually not a face to face consultation, as it a big cost advantage to use the telephone or a conference call. The number of marketing advisors, especially those specializing in the facets of insurance brokerage, is very slim. Like a lawyer their fee could be an hourly rate, however a short introductory to answering briefly a few questions are on the house. Unlike a coach, there is improved willingness to give out some free advice. However, they are not going to instruct your staff, your brokers, or speak at your next recruiting seminar.
You may be surprised by how much knowledge insurance sales marketing advisors have locked up somewhere in their tiny crammed brains. This is not simply attained by reading well-written business sales books and inspirational materials. It is all acquired by talking many years with thousands of insurance marketers, and secondly by implementing a method few sales coaches have at their disposal. This is a personal analysis of hundreds of thousands of agent and broker data records spotting unique trends and characteristics that are constantly changing. An insurance advisor of authority status can rattle off personally researched facts and figures you will never see printed in any insurance magazine publication. You will often find out not just the pros of proceeding on your present path but also all the possible pitfalls of any directions taken.
Evaluate your needs and review the benefits a coach and advisor both provide. Before making a decision, remember that placing a phone call is free.
Well published author, Don Yerke likes to concentrate on what you don’t know or what no one else dares to print. Tell it like it is.
Watch for his new paperback book debuting on Amazon early this summer. It is loaded with great insurance marketing and recruiting information.
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