Welcome to MyOrbit Network, a group of professionals, consultants and industry experts, who are available to share experiences, insights and knowledge with other companies. Someone who has handled a problem is likely to be able to help you if you are facing the same problem. Business problems occur with all kinds of industries and most business problems have been faced by somebody else and that’s the concept behind MyOrbit network.
Today, we have 200+ professionals in MyOrbit Network. Each member has experience in different industries and business functions. Our members are not listed anywhere on this website, and their contact information remains confidential except to the person seeking a consultation from them. To join us please submit the form below and you will be added to our database. If there is an inquiry for consultation that matches any of your expertise areas, then we will send you an email seeking a reply for 1-2 questions if you are interested for that particular consultation, and based on your reply, the matching happens between a consultation request and the various experts in our network. In the Areas of Expertise, please list all areas you can consult on. Each person can have a range of areas. For example, the areas can be listed as: Business Planning, Tax, Accounting, SAP ERP, Sales Force CRM, Retail Supply Chain, Biotech, Contracts, etc. The more clarity of you can give here, the better. And if you want to update your areas of expertise in future, that can be done over email.
Join MyOrbit Network
Please submit this form to join us and start benefiting from the various opportunities (Full-time Work / Part-time Work / Consulting Opportunities by Phone / Freelance Projects) that we will share with our members. Thanks.