PMBOK 4th Edition Guide For PMP Certification Exam

Are You Planning To Take PMP Certification Exam based on PMBOK 4th edition? If yes, then our latest PMBOK study guide has tips to prepare better for PMP project management certification exam based on the latest PMBOK 4th edition, which has become applicable from 1st July 2009.

So if you are going for PMP certification 4th edition, this PMBOK study guide has notes from the latest exam, and the tips will be valuable for you.

Here are the points it covers:
* What is the new exam structure and how to approach it?
* What kinds of questions are being asked on different topics?
* What are the areas of high importance, which you must prepare with extra focus?

For just $19.95, this guide is great value for money, because you can increase your chances for success.

P.S. This guide is written by people who have successfully got certification in the new exam. The notes in this guide will help you prepare much better your PMP Certification Exam. Immediately after your payment, you will be directed toward the page with a download link for the guide. If you need any help, just email us at: info @ myorbit. biz

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