SE Nuke Review

Here is a quick post for SE Nuke X review, the latest Internet Marketing Software developed by a team of Internet experts from Canada, led by Areeb Bajwa.

We had signed up for the pre-launch version, and we must say, the product is good. A lot of thought has gone behind in improving SE Nuke to SE Nuke X (the current version going to be launced on April 5). After a long time, we have seen a good quality Internet Marketing Software worth recommending on our website. If you are involved in Internet marketing or if you have multiple websites, you will benefit for sure.

Lets see, who can benefit and who can not?

* If you have just one domain, then this software may be an overkill. You could get SEO services from different providers for equally good results for lesser price per month.  So don’t buy if you have just one website with under 10 pages.

* If you have more than 5 websites, with more than 10 pages per site, then this software can easily earn 10x the investment within 3-6 months. We are seeing good results on all kinds of sites — html, wordpress, ecommerce, blogs, etc. You must use this software with at least one high conversion affiliate product, and see how well it performs!

* By the way, if your website is in a hyper competitive niche like insurance or weight loss, then this software alone can’t get you to Google ranking #1 and we hope you know that already! In our experience, a top Google search position in a hyper competitive niche needs about $2500-5000 per month and you shouldn’t expect to get that done with under $100 of investment.

SEnukeX SEO SoftwareAnd you can be sure the SE Nuke team won’t sit pretty; they will improve the software to keep it in tune with the search engines.

Overall, this is powerful software that can do the work of 3 part time employees with different skills: (a) article writing & marketing, (b) social media marketing, and (c) search engine marketing — that’s about $2000 worth of online marketing effort for under $100– making it a pretty good offer, because they have created a product that can automate numerous manual tasks, leaving you to worry only about your marketing strategy (they have some templates for that too!).

The only catch is that the membership is limited, and you should sign-up before the slots get filled. Learn more here: SE Nuke X Limited Offer

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