Your physical body has an incredible ability to heal itself. You support your immune system when you eat correctly; when you add supplements that support your immune complex; when you reduce tension and stress; when you exercise on a regular basis and when you steadily try to address your emotional and spiritual well-being.
The innate capacity of your body to protect you from invaders such as microbes, viruses, and fungi can be enhanced or made weaker. If you do not eat well, are under consistent pressure, dwell in negative thought processes and emotions, do not work regularly; and have to deal with poisons in the air, water, and food, then you may have weak immunity.
Your Immune System Work
Definition of your immune system: an extensive network of cells, tissues and chemicals protecting your body from substances causing illness; that destroys infected and cancer-causing cells; and removes cell by-products (wastes).
Your immune complex is very specialized and an important network for your on-going health and well-being. A multitude of different cells, chemical interactions and chemical communications between cells make up the entirety of your immunity.
All members comprising your immune system have specialized functions. The cells on the immune team can engulf bacteria, kill parasites or tumor cells, or kill viral-infected cells.
What is important to understand is your immune system is a team performing an intricate dance and teamwork. All the members and constituents know how to play and how to dance together on the team.
The primary function of your immune system is to defend you against infection. If your immune complex is working at the height of its ability, few bacteria, microbes, viruses, and fungi, cancer cells or parasites (worms and other cells that live off your body) can make a home inside your body.
Your Immune System Tasks: Kill and Remember
Your immune system is like a community, a network, or a team. Its two most important tasks are to kill and to remember. For the cells in your immune system to kill and remember, they must be able to recognize foreign substances as they invade your body.
Invaders are everywhere. They may be inside your body, or they may be outside in the environment. They are ready to infect your body. The strength of your immune system determines whether they are successful at infecting you or not.
Your immune organization must be able to recognize the different invaders. All invaders release chemicals and proteins known by your immune network. When an invader is identified, this triggers a “kill response” by special immune cells. The cells responsible for killing actually eat and digest the invader. (This is going on inside your body all the time).
Eating the invader allows some immune cells to package the invader bad guys so other members of the team recognize them if the same invaders return.
When you eat well, exercise, and take an immune support supplement, you can keep your immune team performing at its best. Keeping your immunity strong results in better health. You consistently feel better with a stronger immune system.
Unrivaled Support for Your Immune System – Reactive Molecules in a Bottle
Protect and strengthen your cells and support your immune system with a liquid stable form of ‘reactive molecules.’ These tiny particles provide the basic materials your immune network needs to work to the best of its ability.
Reactive molecules are produced by mitochondria, organelles inside every cell in your body. They supply the raw materials you need for your immune complex perform its natural functions of detecting, destroying and removing harmful invaders and damaged cells in your body.
ASEA is a stable form of your native reactive molecules.
Reactive molecules are immune communicators. These basic components protect, strengthen and support your immune functions. This stable mixture, ASEA is designed to safely and effectively support your entire immune complex and its healthy work inside your body.
Dr. Elisabeth Heneage, ND, MBA
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