A woman has her baby. A man has his kidney stones. Believe it or not, but both people will experience the same level of pain. Kidney stones are not as simple as the common cold and a lot more painful!
Though unlike the cold, kidney stones do have a cure, in fact a natural cure! In order for you to take the steps to cure your kidney stones, it is important to know the signs and symptoms of kidney stones.
In this article, you will discover kidney stone symptoms and how preventing kidney stones can actually lead to part of the kidney stone natural cure.
Signs of Kidney Stones
Kidney stone pain usually originates around your back or side (typically under your rib cage). The pain typically can last for a few minutes up to 20 minutes. As the symptoms persist, the pain will usually move towards the stomach and groin region.
Kidney sufferers have also experienced the following symptoms: unusual color of urine (possible blood); persistent stomach aches; nausea; gagging; vomit; fever; chills; and possible need to urinate more often.
Prevention of Kidney Stones
It always is a good rule of thumb when treating any ailment including kidney stones, ‘the best way to treat it; is to prevent it’.
Therefore you must decide now whether you are going to live your life in constant pain with kidney stones or are you going to live a healthier lifestyle and begin preventing further kidney stones today!
If you chose the latter, you can begin naturally treating your kidney stones today! The following list is guidelines which you should begin to live by while you treat and prevent kidney stones.
Kidney Stone-Free Lifestyle: 7 tips to start your cure
1. Greatest cause of kidney stones is dehydration. In other words, drink water throughout the day!
Our advice, go to the store and buy a Nalgene water bottle and drink at least 2 quarts per day (maybe 3 quarts). My friend recently returned from the Middle East with pictures and kidney stones. Why? Lack of fresh water and lack of hydration.
2. The Clear Test! This might be redundant but we think you will remember this one! Whenever you urine, your urine should be clear. Therefore, moderate soda, tea and coffee (one choice per day)! Did you know that caffeine will contribute to kidney stones?
3. Avoid Curry! Not really but our main point is to avoid spicy foods. Research shows that spicy foods increase the chance of kidney stones.
4. Don’t be Lazy! We’re not your coach but we will if you want us to be! In all seriousness, living a lifestyle with little movement causes hundreds of health problems including the formation of kidney stones. Our suggestion: go for a walk, go for a hike, walk the dog, do anything that gets you off the recliner!
5. Lower Dairy Intake by eating less cheese and drinking less milk. However, go to the store and buy a calcium supplement. Low levels of calcium lead to a particular form of kidney stones.
6. Lower sugar intake. Did you know that research shows that high levels of sugar intake leads to the formation of kidney stones? Make a list of your high sugar snacks and think of ways to substitute.
Switch a candy bar for a piece of fruit. Though the idea of it does not sound the greatest; in the long run you can actually train your taste buds to enjoy it.
7. Discover what vitamins you should take and how to dissolve and flush your kidney stones in hours. Keep reading!
Make the Change Today!
How long does it take to form a habit? Experts say about 30 to 60 days depending on the individual. With this said, you can change the habits that gave you the kidney stones.
You can even change your taste buds to crave foods that are healthy for you. You can even change how you think about exercise.
How is all this possible? Discover how you can dissolve and flush your kidney stones in literally hours and become healthier in the process. Thousands have tried it and thousands have succeeded! Check out what others are saying about our 100% Guaranteed Natural Treatment for Passing Kidney Stones.
Joe Barton works for Barton Publishing Inc., a natural health company specializing in a natural treatment for kidney stones.
Discover how to keep your money and pass your kidney stones at home, guaranteed! Our researched based report has helped thousands dissolve and pass their kidney stones in hours. To find out more please click here! A Natural Treatment for Kidney Stones Website
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