Suzlon Energy Ltd


Suzlon Energy Ltd (Suzlon) is a world leader in wind power. The key manufacturing plants are in India at Daman, Pondicherry, Bhuj, Chhadvel (Dhule) and Vadodara. Suzlon operates in India, Europe, USA and China. Its subsidiaries include:

  • SE Forge Limited – for forging and foundry
  • Suzlon Wind International Limited – for manufacturing wind turbine generators WTGs
  • Suzlon Rotor International Limited – for manufacturing rotor blades.
  • Suzlon Towers International Limited -for manufacturing tubular towers.
  • Other operations include sale/sub-lease of land, infrastructure development income and power generation income.

Suzlon has been growing both organically and through selective acquisitions in key markets. During FY 2006, AE-Rotor Holding B.V., a wholly owned subsidiary of Suzlon Company acquired Eve Holding NV.


Integrated wind energy equipment and systems, including manufacturing, designing, developing and selling of wind turbine generators (WTGs) and gear box.


Tulsi Tanti: Chairman of the Board, Managing Director (featured here)

Girish Tanti: Director, International Business Development and Human Resources


“For so many years, Indian companies have loved the colour green, but only when it meant the US dollar! But Suzlon is one rare Indian company, which saw the potential of ‘green’, as in environmental friendly businesses, well ahead of time, ventured into wind energy and went on an expansion spree with success.” – by Vipin Agnihotri


Suzlon Energy Ltd
5th Floor, Godrej Millennium Building
9, Koregaon Park Road, Pune – 411 001
Phone: +91 20 56 02 20 00
Fax: +91 20 56 02 21 00

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5 thoughts on “Suzlon Energy Ltd”

  1. I want to know how an individual can think of erecting at least one wind mill in his industrial unit or in his fields near his home in a village.
    What is cost of each wind mill unit?
    How much power is generated with each unit?
    Are there grades in sizes of wind mill units or all of them are of one uniform size?
    Is there any survey necessary to install a unit to decide about the suitability of the site for locating the wind mill?

    1. The cost for wind energy per kw will depend on the size of the wind turbine generator. About Rs 5 cr per MW seems to be the current price. In countries like India, 1-2MW wind turbine is becoming popular with industries, though smaller sizes are also available. Yes, site selection is extremely important for wind energy, to get best possible power generation.

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