Alternative herbal remedies are nutritional foundation nutrients, which help the body’s deepest and most basic elements. Most of the herbal products that are sold in stores or online are generally said to be safe and effective to use.
The good thing about herbal products is that it can offer the body nutrients that it does not usually receive from an unhealthy diet or from the deficiencies that we can get from environmental factors such as the water, soil, or air pollution.
Natural Means Of Healing Diseases
Herbal remedies are also used for healing ailments of the body. Other herbal medicines are taken as tonics, which enhance the physical and mental well being of one person.
Herbal products help promote resistance against diseases by activating our immune system. It also helps in reducing blood pressure. Herbal products are also known to cure heart disease and diabetes.
They also help increase body’s energy and stamina. There are many variants of herbal products and supplements, and each of them have their different methods in making us healthy.
Among these are the bee pollen, which helps reverse the effects of aging, raises our mental and physical capabilities, helps in assisting our endocrine system and helps chronic colitis and constipation.
Are Most Herbal Alternatives Safe?
Are herbal remedies safe and effective alternatives, or just the subject of old wives’ tales?
According to analysts, many herbal supplements can be good and effective if used properly. Many people take herbal medicines for various reasons. Many are confident that because herbs are natural, they are safe to take.
Or people think that standard medicine is too technical, impersonal and expensive, and may have specific fears about prescription drugs due to highly-publicized recalls, such as the removal of fen-phen from the market.
Herbal remedies have been used for thousands of years by native cultures worldwide. In many poor countries today, herbals are the only affordable alternative.
The Aztecs and native Americans have a long tradition of using herbs for medicinal purposes, and many immigrants brought herbal remedies from their native countries to the United States.
However, the widespread abuses made by illicit salesmen and other quack doctors in the 19th century led to the establishment of the Food and Drug Administration, as well as the strict regulation of drugs in America. Herbal medicines are not regulated by the FDA as long as they are sold as food supplements.
The Debate Rages Over Why Many Prefer Herbal Remedies Over OTC’s
In one current study, a majority of users reported using herbal remedies instead of prescription or Over-The-Counter medications, and only one respondent mentioned using herbal remedies only after the prescription or OTC meds had failed.
It is clear that those who used herbal remedies exclusively had made a conscious decision not to use prescription drugs.
Yet there was surprisingly little evidence that patients had abandoned conventional medications in favor of herbal remedies only when the former failed.
This finding contradicts the common notion that alternative remedies are a “last-ditch” effort to treat illness. For a lot of patients in the study, herbal remedies were the first and only treatment option.
These findings have serious implications for pharmacy practice, particularly in cases where patients are using herbal remedies and OTC medications at the same time.
Whether people make similar treatment decisions for other alternative therapies is not sure, and more research is needed to fully get a grasp of patients’ decisions to seek alternatives to traditional medicine.
Prime Herbal – http://primeherbal.com
Vanessa A. Doctor from Jump2Top – SEO Company
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