Tag Archives: Kidney malfunction

Quick Guide to Understanding Kidney Functions

The kidneys, of which most people have two, have several functions in addition to eliminating your body of waste products and excess fluid. The kidneys produce urine, which removes excess body fluid and waste products.

Seems pretty simple, right? Well, the process by which urine is produced is actually a complex series of events necessary to keep the body’s chemicals in proper balance. Proper kidney functions are extremely necessary to your overall health and well-being.

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Kidney Failure Symptoms: Things To Watch Out For

When people think of kidney failure, they usually think of them in terms of bladder and kidney symptoms. By consuming enough water and avoiding foods that can irritate the kidneys, many people think they will be able to avoid these.

However, often this is not always the case. This is because the kidneys have many functions and therefore when things go wrong, kidney failure symptoms are much more widespread and harder to detect.

In fact sometimes the symptoms may not seem directly related to the kidneys at first glance. But here, by understanding some of the major roles of the kidneys we will see how these kidney failure symptoms occur.

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What Is Kidney Disease And What Can Be Done About It?

There are several types of kidney disease, such as diabetic kidney disease and polycystic kidney disease, so there are many aspects to what kidney disease is. Most however damage structures in the kidneys called nephrons.

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Does a Kidney Disease Cure Exist? The Answer May Surprise You

If you or someone that you love has been diagnosed with kidney disease, the first question that probably comes to mind is “is there a cure?”. Don’t worry, there are a wide variety of options available to manage symptoms and improve kidney function.

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Kidney Disease Symptoms – Knowing Them Could Save Your Life

As with any medical condition, early recognition and treatment is the key to managing kidney disease. There are many people who have chronic kidney disease and do not realize it for a long time, because the early warning signs can be very easy to dismiss, or they may have minimal symptoms.

It can take years, even decades, for chronic kidney disease to turn into kidney failure, and the earlier that you recognize the signs of an inefficiently functioning kidney, the better your chances are for regaining your kidney health.

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