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Leadership Principles of the Warrior – Series Ten Leadership Ascendency Part Two

Ascendency in leadership references the capacity to move beyond the simplistic. It is a dominance of character where goes beyond mere self and into visionary realms. While leaders carry out the fundamental philosophy of the organization, guide the goals and objectives for others to follow, and exemplify competence, the also evolve themselves in the process. In their differentiated capacity for being present in the moment, they instill an ascendant framework by which others find inspiring and illuminating.

A leader sets the course for an unfolding and consistent example at a certain juncture in time for others. After that point, the leader is gone; he or she has completed his or her tour of duty. Nothing lasts forever, and quickly it’s over, as someone else replaces him or her. In a three-dimensional world, where time is considered an essential element, each moment is precious, and presence is powerful.

Why sweat the small stuff and waste energies on inconsequential matters that, in the grand scheme of things, are largely irrelevant. Yet, many people squander the limited time they have. Pride, envy and anger are used in one’s arrogance to devolve a personality that doesn’t want to change. Instead, by petty jealousies and blaming games, many won’t move much further than high school glories, and grade school thinking. By contrast, the leader is above the mundane, the superficial and the hollow thinking.

A leader epitomizes exhibition of a profound expression of self-determination and transformation. With a particular psychological orientation, the leader gives the “organizational framework” a positive concept of authority and command presence. For the moment, it may be or at least perceived as well defined. However, the reality is such that the leader is transforming and changing in very dynamic ways. As such, to be “well-defined” could be viewed as complete, unchangeable or fixed in place.

On the contrary, leadership is an ongoing process, requiring many wise and mature factors. The effectiveness of leadership unfolds from the style of “management and supervision” that develops from a particular personality over time. By strenuous effort of managerial capacity in mental complexity, given one’s character traits, he or she promotes effectiveness and efficiency through appropriate actions.

This is an ongoing mission underscored by a proper vision of an action-oriented perspective. Such passionate energy is critical to the leader, the organization and the personnel within it. It is a process of that never ends. By good leadership, the organization is enhanced by competent strategies in recruiting, training, equipping, staffing and promotions. Preparing people for above average service within the organization is a vital task. Leadership reinforces those efforts at every opportunity, designed to foster productive operations so people get the job done.

Willfulness, intelligence building, skillset enhancement and well-tested techniques develop over time, and remain a lifelong learning process. Even though a hierarchy exists, with a chain of command, division of labor, subdivisions and so forth, effective executive insight focuses on the betterment of the people. That is because leaders encourage a high sense of camaraderie within a special kind of “family”.

One must persevere to live by the validity of the truth, by way of proven facts, experience and reliability, even though risks are part of the gambit. Essential to proper motivational aspects is the manner by which time is effectively managed within the organization and its various subunits. There is a high probability that in every organizational setting, you will discover unwise misuses of the time element.

Many of us constantly mismanage time by our own willful misguided choices. As a result, once understood, much of the day can be streamlined into those things that really matter. Unfortunately, we all too often allow ourselves to be arrogantly seduced by what we think is important, but essentially wastes the precious moments of a limited time frame. Lacking discipline and maturity, we are often interrupted and distracted.

And yet, a focused mind is vigilant to the passage of time, and the urgency of self-evolution toward an ascendant transformation. Patient, empathetic, gentle and wise, the leader is a mentor, a guide and one who is an example to others. As others cannot be taught a single thing, they can only learn given their willingness for paying attention. One is mindful of his or her presence for the time they have. Strength of character demands hard work and a mature framework in order to transcend the moment. Unflinching is the courage of one’s resolve to overcome selfishness in primal nature and prevail against the surrounding cowardice of herded conformity. Wolves often wear sheep’s clothing, as so-called experts close in to ensure their deceptions and disrupt the processes.

For bloated is the grotesque obsession of many for the consumptive satiation of devolving perceptions and regressive actions. Leadership is undaunted by the unholy fearfulness of the weak minded. Lazy, slothful and unimaginative purposes collaborate within the pretentiousness of “group-think”. For this, the leader is ever vigilant and creative, by being steps ahead of the rest. Courage is of high value.

Immaturity in oppositional forces contrives to prevent us for going forward with the mission we are called to pursue. Personally, we must rise above the foolishness and show that we are undaunted by obstacles. Professionally, we must endeavor to be visionary and inventive, concerned with productive progressions. The processes must be led in such a way, that interactions work effectively.

Reality trumps frivolity that wastes time, allows abuses and squanders precious resources. Each aspect ought to be critically analyzed for every probable instance of innovation, inspirational creativity and cooperative persistence, within the organizational structure. Excessive, misguided, and gossipy time-wasting conversations, foolish juvenile antics, aimless chitchat, and insincere interactivity distracts from the higher calling. Like useless meetings to have meetings, such insecure obsessions should be altered immediately. Leaders seize the moment and are alert to the many deceptions.

For the brevity of flash in time, overuse of every aspect of telecommunications in any form, not productive to the mission and goals, individually and professionally, for the advancement of enlightened collectivity, should be carefully evaluated. People use excuses of all kinds to escape responsibility and accountability. Alleged pretenses to “transparency” ought to encourage the frankness of straightforward commentary. To be open is to be blunt, honest and truthful, regardless of the offense that might be taken. Grownups use discourse conducive to wise and purposeful advancement.

Immature people use whining, sniveling and malcontented self-centeredness to promote their dysfunctions. A sense of maturity in one’s “warrior mindset” is one in which the individual travels a lifelong learning passage of self-evolving enlightenment. The warrior is one engaged in the “warfare” of life and death, whereby one embraces the pains and pleasures of personal existence. Psycho-physiological ascendency stimulates the warrior to stay in the personal struggle of transformation. Vigorous courage in the face of many obstacles is required to remain committed to the engagement.

A non-anxious, confident and differentiated perspective, as one encounters the daily contrivances of human nature, remains essential to perfecting leadership capacity. Distractions pull the senses in various directions, deflecting from the critical matters at hand. The most important is self-evolving maturation. Nothing really matters but the matter that transcends the mundane anxiety of selfishness. To this, are the myriad mazes of foolish time wasters within any organizational structure.

The list, the chronology and the accumulation of time wasters is exhaustive. Immaturity, self-validation, fragmented selfness, juvenile obsessions with bygone eras of high school frivolities, boyish carnalities, and failures to self-transcend one’s experiences, dogmatically pursue wasteful regressions. Leadership utilizes timeliness in profound and properly managed frames of reference, to enhance self-mastery.

One strives to be calm, controlled and properly allocated by sensory awareness within the scope of many points of interactivity. A lot of a person’s squandering of timeliness relates to poor discipline in planning, and the failure to establish the right priorities. Time leadership is essential to accomplishing the goals and objectives of the organization, the group and the individual. This also applies to the subunits within the organization, as well as the larger social culture and subcultures within it.

Even with the vast possibilities of techno-savvy innovations, most people squander the little time they have in this finite realm of life. Effectively managing the wonderful opportunities of time, assists the assurance of quality productiveness. As such, leaders must continually be on guard for time bandits. Attentive, aware and action oriented, leaders remain watchful for those who think they can cunningly deceive the rest. Leadership is about using skills to make time-space relationships work for the betterment of those involved. Leading is not “ruling”, it is inspirational.

Direction, power and control equalize with consistency the distribution of wise, prudent and judicious actions that guide personnel and resources. In the direction of higher thinking and actualization of thought into action, the leader cultivates dedication and discipline designed for successes. His or her principles and precepts must be the foundation of a totality of efforts, as well as sincere focus of attentiveness. By impartiality of mature actions, leaders reward the worthy and instill confidence for others to rise above themselves and forsake their selfishness in personal liberation.

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