Tag Archives: body

Notes on Spirituality – by Richard Blackstone

Richard D. Blackstone profile imageDuring the first forty years of my life I was sleepwalking.

I listened to what other people told me about life and how I was supposed to conduct myself as I stumbled along in my journey from birth to death.

I was told to follow the rules because only by following the rules and working real hard would I be able to achieve this illusive thing called “success.”

So I bought into the idea that I was a separate entity from all other people and things and went about the business of hard work and being better so that I would be successful.

I got the college education, the job, the wife, the children, the house, the right car, the material possessions, the life-style, the alcohol, the drugs, the affairs, the divorce, the depression, and the guilt. While all this “life” was happening I always had this nagging feeling that there was something about life I didn’t know, the knowing of which could change my life in a more meaningful empowering way. Continue reading