Tag Archives: Oneness

How to Consciously Choose the Life of Your Dreams

Everything in life is a choice and your spiritual growth depends entirely on the choices you make and the spirituality information that you immerse yourself in.

The key to creating the life of your dreams is to begin the process of understanding how important it is to be conscious and aware of the choices you are making and whether those choices are serving you or not.

Relativity tells us that you can’t know something as an experience until you first come to know its opposite. That is the purpose of the theory of relativity and all physical life.

That is why we have this other beautiful, magnificent and glorious ability in our lives called choice. We get to choose whatever it is that we desire. We can say “the devil made me do it” all we want, but the ultimate reality is that we make a choice about every decision we make in our lives. Continue reading

God as the Architect of Your Life

There is spirituality information that says God is separate from you and there is spirituality information that says God is one with you. For your spiritual growth let us pretend that you are building a house (the structure of your life) and the architect you are using is the God who is one with you.

In this little exercise we will observe what the process of building your life upon a foundation of oneness is like. This structure, this life, is going to be built on the foundation of oneness. We are going to use a belief system that says we are all one, we are one with everything that exists and we are one with God.

So, what are the characteristics of this foundation? What are the characteristics of this belief system? What makes this belief system different than a foundation built on separateness?

The core concept and foundational tool is that you, the builder, are in a partnership with your architect, God. You are not only in a partnership with the architect but you are also in a direct partnership with all of the suppliers of everything that is necessary to build the structure, the life, of your intentions and desires. Continue reading